Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Settling In

We are settling into our routine, which is odd with over two dozen chickens in the basement. One difficulty we have had centers around Elvira, our Turken. Her flock-mates have taken to pecking on her bare little neck. It is all scabby & roughed up, so she is in the "isolation ward." We were able to erect a baby gate in the chick brooder, so Elvira can be with the others without being nibbled on. I posted some questions about Elvira on One thing I learned is that it is common for Turkens to be targeted for abuse. One woman even sent me pictures of a pen she created to keep her two Turkens from being injured by the rest of the flock. I just dunno... The prospect of building a second coop & run for this girlie does not excite me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

They are a week old, already!

R. & I have been on full-on "potty duty," meaning we have been cleaning the brooder CONSTANTLY. Our babies have doubled in size since we picked them up last Wednesday morning. Some are much larger than others: Our big, dark chicks (which might be Austrolorps or Jersey Giants) tower over our petite Silkies. All are growing wing feathers.
Oh, and the hatchery made a little mistake. They sent NINE goofy, bantam (small sized) Polish birds instead of the TWO I ordered. It's like getting parakets.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day Two

This morning, I saw the grey Polish in the brooder. I picked it up. I rubbed it behind its head. It was so comfortable, it fell asleep in my arms. This grey Polish hen is so cute. I has a furry face, big cheeks and fuzzy feet. It made an adorable snoring sound when I held it. Her name is going to be Helena.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day One

Early A.M. We drove to the post office without waiting for them to call us. Found the lobby closed. Followed a worker to the back entrance & pleaded our way inside. Yes, they had our box, right there by the door: "peep! peep!" Box of chicks rode home on R.'s lap. We were so excited!
Got home: 32 chicks (one deceased). Four are clearly Polish, with their pale yellow tophats. One really, really weird girlie; she has no fuzz on her neck, up to the ears. A Google search told us she is a Turken, a breed from Transylvania. So, I (D.H.) insist that she will be named Elvira, after the cheesy 1980's comedianne. R. is not familiar with Elvira, but goes along with the name. One chick named, "only 30" to go!