Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It is "Day 21" as they say in the incubating world. Hatch day! I don't anticipate any hatch at all. We are down to 4 out of 24 eggs. I have little hope for these... We have not seen any movement in them. In fact, I think all the eggs were "fried" by a temperature spike early on in the process. We opened some eggs this week & did not see so much as a tiny 7-day sized embryo.
So we did what any senseless chicken farmers would do: We put more eggs in the incubator! Insanity it is!
Oh, and I am considering allowing R. to purchase some of the Showgirl birds that we tried & failed to hatch... I am weak.
Here are some Showgirl photos - for the uninitiated. They are a Turken/Silkie cross, ugly as sin.

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